Hi, KoakumaVerse!
It’s finally happening 🚀 We are super thrilled to announce $KKMA TGE on January 17th 🤩
Token address: 0x18D3BE5ecDdF79279004e2d90d507594c2D46f85
PancakeSwap link: https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0x18D3BE5ecDdF79279004e2d90d507594c2D46f85
Chart: https://www.dextools.io/app/en/bnb/pair-explorer/0xa6373621b2bd008af7dde44ab9789229b088c67e
How to claim on Launchpads(For IGO participants only)
1. Go to here
2. Choose BSC Network on the “Select Network” section
3. Connect your wallet
4. Click on the “Claim” button to claim your $KKMA
1. Login with you wallet here
2. On the bottom left you will see vesting schedule and amounts to be unlocked
3. Click on the “Claim” button to claim your $KKMA
1. Login with you wallet here
2. Click on the “Claim” button to claim your $KKMA
About Koakuma
Koakuma is a medieval fantasy 3D MMOARPG. Its goal is to create a complete medieval fantasy world experience, where players fight in epic battles using specially designed NFT assets.
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